Organic Black currants "Biodoros Gaia" 200gr
Black currants are grown exclusively in Corinth.
That is why this variety is known worldwide as Currants.
Black raisins are simply the end product resulting from drying black grapes (with seeds) in the sun.
It is an excellent source of Potassium, which has been proven to be one of the elements that reduces fluid retention.
Raisins are rich in fiber, which works against constipation.
Black currants contain fructose and glucose in concentrated, dehydrated form and give immediate energy and stimulation.
They are rich in iron, simple carbohydrates, calories and vitamin C (100gr contains 300mg of C).
Due to the high iron content, it helps with anemia.
The organic products 'Biodoros Gaia' have high nutritional value and wonderful taste since they are completely pure and naturally free from the chemicals that burden the body and nature.
They are cultivated with the strict rules of organic farming with love and respect for man and the environment.