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Honey and Nuts


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  • Price: €4.00 - €7.00 close

Pine honey has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects while also helping to treat coughs, sore throats and gout. In addition, it has tonic properties, increases heart rate and reduces the problems associated with ulcers, while it also has antimicrobial properties.

The nutritional value of pine honey is very high thanks to the large number of minerals and trace elements it contains. Magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and copper are some of the minerals and trace elements in its composition.

It also contains carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes which make it an ideal food for athletes, children and people with intense physical and mental activity. Its low sugar and glucose content allows it to be consumed by all age groups.


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Forest honey is always dark, almost black, in a fluid state.

Once crystallized, it gets brown sades.

It has many properties making it one of the most valuable allies of our health.

Rich in minerals and trace elements such as porassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and sodium, it stimulates our body.

In addition, it contains vitamins and antioxidants that act protectively and have a soothing and healing effect on sore throats, stomach upsets and common flu.

Forest honey is characterized as a honey of great nutritional value as it contains enzymes that enhance the metabolism and boosts the function of vital organs. It is one of the richest honeys in antioxidant properties.

Unsuitable for infants under 12 months


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Flower honey flavors contain a variety of nectar flows from herbs on our organic farm as well as flowers of the wider region during the summer season.

The pulverized herbs they contain are also known for their healing properties.

Sage: It is a herb gifted with many therapeutic essences and properties, particularly useful in medicine, such as antibacterial, antiseptic, cardiotonic, spasmolytic and antidiabetic.

Extremely stimulating, it fights fatigue.

It is recommended against skin diseases and oral infections.



Unsuitable for infants under 12 months


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It is considered to be one of the most exquisite and tasteful honey varieties and this is why it is one of the finest gastronomic products.

It contains high levels of sugar and has a short crystallization time. Lavender honey has a high Tyrosine content, one of the 22 protein amino acids that helps the nervous system.

It also has antifungal and antimicrobial action.

Lavender honey has proven to be a particularly rich source of flavonoid naringenin and luteolin, both of which have been shown to exert powerful antioxidant effects.

Its creamy texture is achieved by the natural process of microcrystallization in order to leave a velvety feel to the mouth.

We recommend it for a different, "blossom" spoonful of honey with a flowery aftertaste that will amaze you.


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Flower honey flavors contain a variety of nectar flows from herbs on our organic farm as well as flowers of the wider region during the summer season.

The pulverized herbs they contain are also known for their healing properties.

Sage: It is a herb gifted with many therapeutic essences and properties, particularly useful in medicine, such as antibacterial, antiseptic, cardiotonic, spasmolytic and antidiabetic.

Extremely stimulating, it fights fatigue.

It is recommended against skin diseases and oral infections.



Unsuitable for infants under 12 months


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Arbutus honey is rich in trace elements and vitamins.

It has the lowest glucose percentage compared to other honeys and thus contains fewer calories. Due to the low percentage of glucose and fructose it is recommended in cases of dier as well as type B diabetics.

The substance Arbutin of the honey, regulates cholesterol and cleanses the blood.

It also contains the substance Tyrannose which increases the life period of body cells and the enzyme Diastasis or Amylase, which breaks down the starch.

In general, arbtus honey is an excellent natural product, since its comsumption forms a shield of protection for the human body as it contains natural antibiotics in a higher percentage compared to other honeys.


Unsuitable for infants under 12 months

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Bee pollen has been associated with several benefits for the human body.


• Enhances the antioxidant power of the human body

• Improves heart health

• It has anti-inflammatory action

• Strengthens the body's defenses

• Soothes skin diseases and helps heal wounds

• Enhances good liver function

• Relieves the symptoms of menopause



35g (1 tbsp) daily is enough to meet the body's needs for protein, vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to be consumed as is, mixed with honey or dissolved in water or fresh juice.


It should not be consumed by infants under 1 year of age.


In special case of illness, the advice of a doctor is recommended.

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Honey from Wildflowers !!!

100% Natural Raw Honey, from Mount Menoikio Alistrati.

Pure natural honey enriched in nutritional value, taste and aroma.

Pine honey is honey of high nutritional value and this is mainly due to the large number of different substances that are present in its composition. These substances are dominated by minerals and trace elements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, potassium and sodium.) Which are found in large concentrations in Greek pine honey.

Immediate Available

The Greek Ηeather Honey has been internationally awarded in competitions such as: iTQi (International Taste and Quality Institute) in Brussels, Great Taste Awards in London, BIOL Miel in Italy for Organic Honey.

In France this honey is placed - along with chestnut and lavender honey – amongst the best French honey. The French use exclusively Heather Honey to prepare the famous French gingerbread. 

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A very dinstinctive honey that is produced exclusively in Crete.

The mix of thyme honey, pine honey and honey deriving from 187 Cretan herbs and plants ( found exclusively in Crete ). The bees collect and storage at the bee hive cells simultaneously. They start gathering during the second half of August up to October, as on the mountains of Crete, thyme and herbs are blooming and coexisting trees secrete honeydew.

Crete's Honey is characterized by its rich taste, has caramel like texture and excellent flavor.

This honey has slow crystallization.

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The queenb of the Stathakisfamily with extra virgin olive oil and Cretan honey combines immensely the benefits of the Cretan diet.

Essential ingredient for every healthy breakfast, completely replacing butter and margarine. Ideal for spreading bread, on toasts, on a wet rusk, and addition to waffles, donuts or pancakes.

Salad dressings are deliciously taking off.

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