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Organic Dinkel Flour 1050 “BioAgros” 1kgr

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Organic Dinkel Flour 1050 Bioagros.

Dinkel is a variety of wheat that is distinguished for its high nutritional value.

Dinkel has a high solubility in water and so nutrients are easily absorbed by the body.

Dinkel contains special carbohydrates, which are an important anticoagulant in the blood, stimulate the body's immune system and help increase its resistance to infections.

It is also an excellent source of fiber and has large amounts of β-complex vitamins.

The total protein content is from 10 to 25% higher than the common varieties of wheat.

It has gluten, but of a different composition than common wheat, but people with gluten intolerance should avoid it.

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Bioagros was founded in 1990 by the agronomist – organic farmer Kostas Papadopoulos. For 28 years we are one of the largest and leading Greek organic food companies offering consumers high nutritional value.


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