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Mountain Tea (20gr) Anthea Organics

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Mountain Tea

Its beneficial characteristics are so many, that it has been scientifically researched several times. It is an excellent tonic for the human organism, without having any amount of caffeine. Its unique and rich flavor, allows it to be ideal for consume at any time of the day. By welcoming the mountain tea in your life, you benefit from an endless list of healthy attributes, as it is internationally known for its anxiolytic and antidepressant capabilities, its antioxidant and anti- inflammatory identity, as well as its excellent anti- Alzheimer action.

Extra Info: It is easily mixed with varieties such as a little mint or lemon juice. Ideally enriched with rose petals, full of vitamin C, creating a delicious, healthy and aromatic effect.

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Enjoying a great history around its name, since it has been known since the 10th century AD, mountain tea has been used heavily between all these years, because of its healing attributes against wound


Recommended Dosage: For each cup, it is proposed 2 grams of mountain tea (1 tablespoon)

Add fresh, warm, filtered water (95º – 100º C) in a pot and leave the tea to infuse for 4-8 minutes, with the lid on, to allow the essential oils to be released. It can be served plain, with honey or with stevia leaf. *Please contact us for information about cold drinks and cocktails.


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