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Turned Pasta with Linseed, 400gr, "EUZOIA"

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Homemade Pasta

Turned Pasta with Linseed

We combined the nutritional hyper-value of linseed to our favorite food - Pasta.

Mixed total of: Class M flour, T70 flour, linseed flour.

Omega-3 fatty acids in linseed have a balancing role in nutrition. They correlate imbalances that exist in modern nutrition and that lead to health problems.

Linseed’s health benefits are very important as linseed oil and golden linseed helps prevent atherosclerosis and other heart conditions.

Cooking Time: 7-9 minutes

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Contains: ω-fatty acids, fibre, calcium and magnesium, proteins containing all the essential aminoacids, vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids.

We added the nutritional hyper-value of Flaxseed to our  Pasta.           

·         AntioxFlax Seedidant and rich in fiber

·         Blood glucose reduction

·         Immunosuppression ·

·         Linseed can reduce blood levels of bad cholesterol by 50%. ·

·         It can reduce triglyceride levels to 60%. 


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